Learning MediaWiki

From Hill Country Makers Wiki

Learning MediaWiki markup language

MediaWiki, the software on which this website is built, uses a different kind of markup language from HTML. Some people call it wikitext but there actually is no consensus on a name for it. It is similar to Google's Markdown language, but is by no means the same. While some of the syntax uses similar formats, they are two distinct, non-interchangable, languages.
Actually, under the hood MediaWiki Markup language is converted into HTML by the MediaWiki software, so to say it is not HTML is a little bit misleading, but don't try to write pure HTML in a wiki editor and expect to see what you would if you simply uploaded HTML to a Web server.

wikitext help

Here are a few sites that provide more help than wading through the many, many webpages in the MediaWiki online technical manual, as well as some interesting background.
This site provides some clear information
Yes, while the MediaWiki manual is confusing, this is a decent reference for basic editing.
  • this Wikipedia article compares the syntax of different markup languages, including HTML and MediaWiki (which is used to write Wikipedia).